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Autonmatot Citroen BX 1989-1994:lle

The Citroën BX was designed by the Italian design house: Bertone and we also supply the car mats Citroen BX for this Italian designed car. Even though the Citroën BX was sold a lot, the car kept standing out whenever it passed by. The car has a flat roof and a very low design. The Citroën BX is the successor to the Citroën GSA which was still a challenge for the French car brand, which is why they asked the Italian design house for advice. The Citroën BX looks striking on the outside, but does the interior also stand out
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Nämä tehtaalla sopivat matot sopivat:

  • Citroen BX 1989
  • Citroen BX 1990
  • Citroen BX 1991
  • Citroen BX 1992
  • Citroen BX 1993
  • Citroen BX 1994