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Autonmatot BMW 7-serie E38 1994-2001:lle

The BMW E38 that saw the light of day in 1994 was the last generation before the helm was drastically changed thanks to designer Chris Bangle. This car is according to many the most beautiful 7 Series of all time and perhaps even one of the most beautiful sedans ever. The career of the E38 stretched from 1994 to 2001, and you can take that literally, because when the successor of this car made its appearance in 2001, many traditional customers decided to quickly buy an E38. And now let's deliver a mat set for this car. Because let's face it, a car with particularly sleek and timeless lines, a shoulder line that seems to have been drawn with a ruler, a sturdy front and a distinguished rear can only be finished with a nice fit car mat set of thick, luxurious quality.
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Nämä tehtaalla sopivat matot sopivat:

  • BMW 7-serie 1994
  • BMW 7-serie 1995
  • BMW 7-serie 1996
  • BMW 7-serie 1997
  • BMW 7-serie 1998
  • BMW 7-serie 1999
  • BMW 7-serie 2000
  • BMW 7-serie 2001
E38 1994-2001
E38 1994-2001